animazement photos

AHHHHHH, I just slammed my ankle into one of the metal bedposts as I was running to answer the phone which turned out to be nothing but a telemarketer!! Geez that hurt!

Well I’m back for good… er, well, at least for 10 more days. Then I’m going to Disneyworld!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I updated the HP Monthly today, so many subs! I guess it was a popular topic šŸ˜€

And now, Animazement pictures. I went back and added some of these to my animazement report but here’s a few more.
I took 2 cameras with me, and bought another there at the hotel saturday night. I sent the first 2 cameras home with dad, and took the 3rd one with me. I got the 3rd one developed over this week… and found out it hadn’t been an automatic flash like the first two. So I got very few pics from sunday and saturday night šŸ™ Here are the few that managed to turn out not completely black.

Catherine on Sunday – my cousin Catherine, she went as Tomoyo on Sunday, tho I don’t know how just wearing her kimino made her Tomoyo…

Me as Bat Thief Sakura

Me as CardCaptor Sakura – my 3rd costume and it ended up being my favourite, tho you can’t see my wings good here…


Bat Burglar – Cath took this stupid picture of me running up the stairs at the hotel in my Sakura costume. Oo, sneaky. I preferred to take the stairs on Sunday, because my wings got in people’s way on the elevator XD;

Tsukasa Kotobuki – He did the character designs for Toshinden & Saber Marionnette J… here me and cath are with him looking like idiots.

Fushigi Yuugi

Fushigi Yuugi group – The ONLY pic I took of cosplayers that came out ;_; A really nice Fushigi Yuugi group.

(missing photo)

Kero-chan – AKA, “Kell knows how to waste money.” I bought this little kero sleeping on a pillow, I couldn’t resist it!

(missing photo)

Stuff – a bunch of stuff I bought crammed into my dresser at my gramma’s. My 2nd Sakura wand box, Evangelion Groundwork vol 2 book, and sakura vol 3-8 are all I can make out in there, LOL

Cath is tired – She’ll kill me for scanning this. She never would just let me snap a picture of her, except for the few costume pics we did. I finally convinced her to smile for the camera, and just as I pressed the button she made an awful face, so what I got was this dreadful looking thing!

The monkey – Ok, so this has nothing to do with Animazement, but it was the last pic on the roll of film XD This little ceramic monkey sits in my room at my gramma’s, and I love it. David held it so I could take a picture of it.

I’ll get my other two cameras developed this week XD